Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bodega Bay with Ray

Well let me start by saying, this ride was a long time coming but well worth the wait. I consider Ray my riding brother. We hadn't ridden for a long time together due to reasons I won't mention in this blog, but it was worth the wait. I will tell you about the ride tho.

I got to Ray's house about 9:30am. Ray was already to go. As usual, we sounded like a couple out laws on really loud motorcycles when we left. I hope no one was sleeping in at the time.

We got on to Highway 80 heading south and traffic was heavy. I think the reason for that is because everyone who works in San Francisco was heading back there for the work week. It was heavy until we got to the 12 cutoff and headed into Napa.

As usual, the wine country was beautiful. All the vines were covered with green leaves. We saw quite a few bikes on the road. Both bicycle and motorcycle. Personally, I prefer the ones with a motor.

We got to Petaluma and took D street to hit the back road to Bodega Bay. It is a beautiful ride. There is a lot of scenery and activity along the road. And as in just about every ride I have taken....a broken down Harley.

We got to the town of Bodega first and Ray and I had to stop at the church where Alfred Hitchcock filmed the movie "The Birds". That is where the photos for this blog were taken.

We rode into the town of Bodega Bay and had a great lunch at the Sandpiper restaurant. Great food and Ray really liked the coffee. When I get back there I will have to try it. I have to admit, I like a beer with my fish and chips......LOL

Well we headed back thru Sebastopol. We both were a bit tired when we got back, but I bet we will both be ready to do it again. Ray.......I loved the ride.


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