Monday, May 26, 2008

The Plan for The Longest Ride I Have Ever Been On.

Well, there is so much to say about this ride, so I am going to start by tell whoever cares, how it all got started......

Last August, my son Bear bought his first bike. It's a Honda 750 Shadow. He is pretty proud of his bike. I must admit, he to took riding a motorcycle like he had been doing it his whole life. He and I accompanied Joe, my neighbor across the street, and I to Reno Nevada, for "Street Vibrations" last year. We had an awesome time.

During that time, Joe was talking about a trip he wanted to take which we would travel through California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska & Colorado. Wow, just typing that made my rear end hurt.

Well to say the least, The trip is two weeks away. So if you are interested......


P.S. The photo in this picture is Bear, we said he had to wear the helmet since it was his first ride with Joe and I. We didn't tell him that we just made it up. hahahahahahahahahah

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