Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 3

Day three was incredible. We started out headed to the Grand Tetons. I can't begin to explain hoe awesome that sight was. After breakfast at a restaurant called bubbas, we turned left on main street and headed right into the Tetons. I was almost like riding into a painting done by Bob Ross. It was just too perfect. Just look at the photo! It was incredible. You have to see it to believe it.

After we left the Tetons, we headed towards Yellowstone. And I thought the Tetons were awesome. Let me tell you, God took a little extra time when he created this part of the world. It was pretty cold there though but the ride was worth it. We made a couple of stops along the ride. We were actually at one of the Continental Divides. The elevation was 8391 feet. It was COLD! It was also an experience I will never forget.

We eventually got to Old Faithful. This was something I have wanted to see my whole life. Let me tell you, it was everything I expected. We waited 45 minutes but it was worth the wait. Bear had to give it a little Pepto Bismal to get it going. LOL

When we left Yellowstone, we headed out the East Gate. THe next day we found out that they closed the East Gate due to snow. I told you it was cold! On the way home we stopped at Cody Dam named after Wild Bill Cody. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

We stayed the night in Cody Wy. Next Day headed to Spearfish SD.

See you then!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 2

Well let me tell you, day 2 was a lot more exciting. We started out by going to the Bonneville Speedway. We spent a lot of time there. The Salt Flats are quite and amazing site. The salt always looks so pristine. Joe couldn't get over how flat it was.

After we left the Salt Flats we headed east towards Salt Lake City. We turned left and headed towards Brigiham City. At that point we got lost and turned of the freeway to get a look at the map. We weren't off the bike for a second when a Utah Highway Patrol stopped and asked us if we were OK. We told him we were lost and he showed us how to get to where we were needing to go. We invited him along but he said he had a meeting and couldn't make it. We said our thank yous and went on our way.

We arrived at Jackson Hole about 7:30pm. We all had to laugh. On the way there, there was some construction going on and we had to travel on a dirt for about two miles. When we got off the bikes we all thought of Ferd's road. We had a good laugh. To get to Ferd's house, you have to travel on a 9 mile dirt road. We do this every year when we go to Street Vibrations.

Jackson Hole was a cool place. We got to the motel and headed into town for Dinner. We ate at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. It was good but very expensive. I really liked the bar there, all the bar stools were saddles.

Well, day three's blog will be much better. The three of us are going to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.

See you later.

Day 1

Well the ride finally started. It started like most of the rides I take with Joe. First stop was the Black Bear Diner or as we call it,the BBD. As you can see in one of the picture, Joe and Bear had too much to eat. I guess they do make the best chicken fried steak I have ever eaten.

We Traveled the first day to Wendover NV. The trip was over 500 miles. Wendover was just like I left it 12 years ago. We got our hotel room and crashed really fast. Other than that not much happened.

Although I really enjoyed the ride.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Plan for The Longest Ride I Have Ever Been On.

Well, there is so much to say about this ride, so I am going to start by tell whoever cares, how it all got started......

Last August, my son Bear bought his first bike. It's a Honda 750 Shadow. He is pretty proud of his bike. I must admit, he to took riding a motorcycle like he had been doing it his whole life. He and I accompanied Joe, my neighbor across the street, and I to Reno Nevada, for "Street Vibrations" last year. We had an awesome time.

During that time, Joe was talking about a trip he wanted to take which we would travel through California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska & Colorado. Wow, just typing that made my rear end hurt.

Well to say the least, The trip is two weeks away. So if you are interested......


P.S. The photo in this picture is Bear, we said he had to wear the helmet since it was his first ride with Joe and I. We didn't tell him that we just made it up. hahahahahahahahahah