Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 2

Well let me tell you, day 2 was a lot more exciting. We started out by going to the Bonneville Speedway. We spent a lot of time there. The Salt Flats are quite and amazing site. The salt always looks so pristine. Joe couldn't get over how flat it was.

After we left the Salt Flats we headed east towards Salt Lake City. We turned left and headed towards Brigiham City. At that point we got lost and turned of the freeway to get a look at the map. We weren't off the bike for a second when a Utah Highway Patrol stopped and asked us if we were OK. We told him we were lost and he showed us how to get to where we were needing to go. We invited him along but he said he had a meeting and couldn't make it. We said our thank yous and went on our way.

We arrived at Jackson Hole about 7:30pm. We all had to laugh. On the way there, there was some construction going on and we had to travel on a dirt for about two miles. When we got off the bikes we all thought of Ferd's road. We had a good laugh. To get to Ferd's house, you have to travel on a 9 mile dirt road. We do this every year when we go to Street Vibrations.

Jackson Hole was a cool place. We got to the motel and headed into town for Dinner. We ate at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. It was good but very expensive. I really liked the bar there, all the bar stools were saddles.

Well, day three's blog will be much better. The three of us are going to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.

See you later.

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